Home » Tasty Reads Cookbook Club

Tasty Reads Cookbook Club

Welcome to our new cookbook club: Tasty Reads! If you enjoy trying new recipes or checking out new cookbooks, this club is for you. The Tasty Reads cookbook club meets together to discuss the experiences they had creating a particular dish from the currently selected cookbook.

Our first Tasty Reads cook book club will be held on Thursday, October 12 from 5:00 – 6:30pm in the Community Room.

To ensure that the Book Club runs smoothly, there are some guidelines to be followed:


  • Registration is required. This group cannot accommodate drop-ins


  • ONLY registered patrons bringing a dish may attend.


  • List any ALLERGIES on your registration. Allergies are the responsibility of the individual.


  • Adaptations to the recipes are welcomed, and MUST be listed.


  • Dish selections should be non-repetitive: If you see that another member has chosen a desert, try to chose an appetizer. If you see that another member has chosen the dish you wanted to try, please choose a different dish, it is first come, first serve with reservations. You are however, welcomed to also create that dish at home in addition to your selected dish and have the ability to also discuss the difference in adaptations in the common dish.


To register please contact Madhu Gupta at mgupta@plnl.org or call 860-447-1411 x108


Feel free to print out our easy to fill in recipe adaptation table by clicking on the link below:

Recipe Adaptations Table